The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niggenegger

Genre: Fiction with a science fiction twist
Pages: 530
Duration: January 1, 2007 into the wee hours of January 2
Description: How to describe this book? A man has a genetic disorder that causes him to time travel. This causes him to suddenly disappear from rooms, leaving his clothes behind and reappearing suddenly in a different time period, typically in the past, but occasionally in the future. The story mainly follows the wife, Clare, and her journey thorough meeting her husband when she is six to having their daughter who is also a time traveler.
Review: This book was amazing. Obviously it caught my attention and I couldn't put it down. I think it might be a record that I read a book over 500 pages in a day. The way Niggenegger weaves the story around the two main characters and shares with the readers both of their views, keeps the story intriguing and interesting. The idea of time travel is always an interesting one and that thought alone keeps the reader pondering the bigger pictures. I would definitely recommend this book to almost anyone, although it might be a little on the romancey side for some.
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